
Spuiplein 150, Den Haag

7 November 2021
performing for binaural mics were Katherine, Kristin, Anne and Mariette. Juan was listening.
Studio 7


Spuiplein 150, Den Haag

7 November 2021
Hallway near the sliding doors (entrance)  to the conservatory,  and the stairs leading up to the 5th floor.
performing for binaural mics were Juan, Kristin, Anne and Mariette. Katherine was listening.
4th floor


Spuiplein 150, Den Haag

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7 November 2021
listening, playing and recording right near the entrance to the hallway. Like this it is easier to hear the enormous reverb in the empty hallway. Juan, Kristin and Anne are playing, Mariette is listening.
4th floor


Spuiplein 150, Den Haag

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7 November 2021
At the entrance to the conservatoire on the 4th floor, in front of the stairs leading up to the 5th floor.
Kristin listening with binaural microphones. Juan, Anne and Mariette performing.
4th floor in front of stairs to 5th floor


Spuiplein 150, Den Haag

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5 December 2021
Voltage Control Studio 
binaural recording – anne listening